ths1104 geeké

Run Ansys from Matlab

Posted in Ansys, Matlab by ths1104 on July 25, 2013

Windows 7 (x64)
ANSYS 13.0

To launch an Ansys file (.mac) from Matlab :

    1. Run Ansys “Mechanical APDL Product Launcher”
    2. In the section “Simulation environment”, select “Ansys batch”
    3. In the File Management tab, select you working directory (where the file .mac is located)
    4. In the File Management tab, select you input file (this is you file .mac)
    5. Go to Tools > Display command line
    6. Copy the command line #cmd
    7. Open Matlab and run:


    8. Matlab should return Ans = 0
    9. If Matlab returns Ans = 100, make sure you can run the file directly in Ansys.
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